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Rubber diaphragm for diaphragm valve

Rubber diaphragm for diaphragm valve

  • Category:Special rubber materials and rubber products
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  • Release time:2022-08-02 14:06:43
  • Product description

The diaphragm valve is a flexible diaphragm or combined diaphragm installed in the valve body and bonnet of Dalian marine valve, and its closing part is a compression device connected with the diaphragm. The valve seat can be either a weir shape or a pipe wall through the flow channel.

Diaphragm is used in valves, regulating valves, automatic mechanical follow-up devices, switches and counters for flow, pressure, differential, liquid level, constant temperature volume thermal compensation, etc.

The advantage of the diaphragm valve is that its operating mechanism is separated from the medium passage, which not only ensures the purity of the working medium, but also prevents the possibility of the medium in the pipeline impacting the working parts of the operating mechanism.

Manufacturing process: plasticizing → mixing → mixing → parking → semi-finished product inspection → strip out → molding (skeleton treatment) → vulcanization → trimming → inspection → packaging → warehousing → delivery


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