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Installation method and function of anchor chain stoppers for marine castings

2022-12-12 13:51:00

A marine casting anchor chain stopper is equipped with a chain stopper and a base for chain stoppers. The base of the chain stopper is integrated with the base and anchor hole of the anchor machine. The base of the anchor machine extends forward and has anchor chain grooves along the longitudinal direction. The chain stoppers are installed and fixed on both sides of the anchor chain grooves.

Installation method of anchor chain stopper:

Fix and weld the base of the chain stopper that is integrated with the anchor machine base and anchor hole on the deck, and install the chain stopper on both sides of the longitudinal anchor chain groove of the base. Remove the claws and oil cylinder components of the chain stopper, and then install the claws and oil cylinder components of the chain stopper together when installing the anchor chain. This facilitates the installation and positioning of the chain stopper together with the anchor machine, and a single positioning can ensure that the longitudinal position of the chain stopper is aligned with the direction and height of the anchor line, ensuring alignment between the anchor chain and the anchor chain barrel.

At present, the anchor machines in the mooring system of ships are equipped with chain stoppers, which clamp the anchor chain when the ship is sailing or anchoring. The chain stoppers should be able to withstand 80% of the small breaking load of the anchor chain they pass through. In this case, their load-bearing components should not undergo long-term deformation. The chain stoppers are set on the deck between the anchor machine and the anchor chain tube to clamp the anchor chain. After anchoring, close the chain stopper to transfer the tension of the anchor chain to the hull, so that the anchor machine is not under stress; During navigation, the chain stopper bears the weight of the anchor and some of the anchor chains, and will be tightly attached to the hull by the anchor inside the anchor chain tube to prevent collision. Therefore, the base of the chain stopper and its supporting structure bear a large load force, and the rationality of its structural design is directly related to the safety performance of the ship.

Therefore, the function of the chain stopper includes:

1. Set between the anchor machine and the anchor chain barrel, fix the anchor chain to prevent it from slipping out;

2. Directly transmit the gripping force generated by the anchor and anchor chain to the hull to reduce the load on the anchor and protect the anchor;

3. Withstand the gravity and inertia forces of the anchor during navigation;

4. The chain stopper serves as a guide to deliver the anchor chain to the anchor pipe in the middle.

The existing chain stopper and chain stopper must be opened. If the anchor hooks onto the rock below the seabed during the anchor lifting process of the anchor winch, it may cause the anchor to break through the soil and cannot proceed smoothly. At this time, the ship is still floating at sea, and the force on the anchor chain directly acts on the transmission mechanism of the anchor winch. At this time, the force acting on the anchor chain will be greater than the large pulling force that the anchor winch can bear. Therefore, because the moving anchor of the ship uses the anchor chain as the main force to drag the anchor winch to reverse. When the reverse speed is greater than the speed that the anchor can bear, the hydraulic motor and motor of the anchor winch will be damaged.


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