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How to solve the internal or external leakage of marine shut-off valves during use

2023-02-13 16:24:39

Regarding the flange leakage in marine shut-off valves, Dalian marine valve manufacturers suggest tightening the nut of the middle flange. If it has not been repaired yet, it is necessary to open it to see if the gasket of the middle flange can provide protection. Regarding the leakage at the aggregate point, important aggregate covers should be added. If the aggregate is too loose, additional bone material should be added. If it is indirectly caused by leakage on the body, it can be welded under high pressure, and if it is caused by low pressure, it can be indirectly maintained. Regarding the score of internal leakage, it is uncertain whether the situation is good or not. If it is not related, please try to close it again.

The sealing protection of the valve seat needs to be re ground. Regarding the protection of the valve core, it depends on whether it is protected by flushing or being hit by the medium, but both need to be re welded and sealed. Normal internal leakage is caused by damage to the valve seat or valve core sealing cover. One can grind the valve seat or valve core sealing cover, but there is another special condition. If it is automatic or pneumatic, the valve path may not be properly installed.

What should be considered for the leakage of marine shut-off valves? If the valve body leaks, the valve can only be replaced. If there is an internal leakage in the marine shut-off valve, it should be due to the emergence of a sealed book cover. Solve the problem with the sealed book cover and see the effectiveness.

If there is an external leakage, the valves are not the same, and the leakage status is not the same, both should be treated differently. If there is any leakage at the aggregate site, tighten it or change the aggregate. We often use pressure sealing to stop the leakage when we are unable to stop. Marine shut-off valves have many leakage points. In most cases, leakage occurs from the pressure cap. Open the gland to supplement or replace the aggregate, then tighten the gland to avoid leakage.

Internal leakage refers to the damage of the sealing cover under the outer valve core. However, practical experience has informed us that sometimes internal leakage may be caused by hard objects getting stuck under the valve core, forming internal leakage. The detailed solution is to open the valve and open it again, and how many times can the hard objects be washed away in one go. If it is the result of the valve itself, it is necessary to choose a suitable time to replace the valve.


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